Wednesday 17 July 2024

Exciting Ministry Updates from Kenya: Land Dedication, Building Progress, and Outreach Initiatives Ahead!

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We have had a fantastic few months here in Kenya, filled with exciting progress and fruitful ministry. Recently, we were thrilled to host a group from our home church Bible Baptist Church in Arkansas for a short but impactful trip. They joined us in canvassing for a new Bible study in Chemilil, distributing tracts in Kisumu, participating in a church painting project, visiting our church in Kisii Town, and enjoying a memorable game drive where they saw lions and other wildlife.

Calvary Baptist Uwasi Land Dedication Service & Project Update: 

In June, we celebrated the dedication service for the new property of Calvary Baptist in Uwasi. It was a joyous occasion with an attendance of 108, including many visitors. We are grateful that three souls were saved during this special event. The land purchase and title transfer are now complete, and we've used over $8,000 for initial renovations and moving expenses. The church is now settled in their new location and filled with excitement for the future. Progress on their church building is moving forward steadily. We have laid the foundation, erected the metal frame structure with the roof, and are now preparing to raise the walls using bricks salvaged from previous buildings on the old property. Additionally, we are planning to install electricity on the property, a crucial step that will require approximately $600.

Maasai - Oltepesi Land Fencing & Ilkerin Plot Development: 

In August, we will begin fencing the land in Maasai - Oltepesi, a project that carries a cost of $750. This initiative is crucial as we continue to nurture spiritual growth among the community, particularly focusing on the leadership training of Bro. David and Bro. James, who are instrumental in leading the Bible study there. Please pray for their spiritual growth and readiness to serve God's purpose. We are also finalizing plans for a plot in Ilkerin, that was generously given to us by the community, with hopes to establish a church in the coming months.

Outreach Meetings in Buyangu and Ong’adi: 

Next month, we have outreach meetings scheduled in the villages of Buyangu and Ong’adi. These are new areas for our ministry, located in Vihiga and Nandi Counties respectively. Our focus will be on canvassing the area, engaging in soul-winning efforts, and identifying potential attendees for Bible studies, laying the groundwork for new churches. These efforts are led by Bro. Ezekiel and Bro. Marsden, recent graduates who are dedicated to spreading God's Word in these villages. In Ong’adi, situated on the edge of Kajulu Forest in Nandi County, we are pioneering a Bible study among a new (to us) language group, while also utilizing Swahili.  We have started working in a couple of different areas where the Kalenjin language is spoken. We are excited about the progress of First Bible’s project to translate the Bible into the Kalenjin language, which is expected by year's end. This will greatly enhance our ability to reach and teach in local villages. Please join us in prayer for the success of this project and its impact on sharing God's Word effectively.

Your prayers and support continue to be invaluable to us as we strive to spread the Gospel and strengthen Kenyan Christians through our ministry efforts. We are grateful for each one of you and the part you play in God's work here in Kenya.

May God richly bless you,

Luke & Tonya Shelby

Friday 24 May 2024

Exciting Updates from Kenya! 🌍🙏

 Printer Friendly Version (PDF) HERE 

Hello from Kenya. It has been an eventful three months, covering over 5000 miles and visiting pastors, students, and church members across 8 out of the 11 counties where we have churches and Bible studies. We thank the Lord for traveling safety, especially during a couple of harrowing times, traveling with our team between Maasai villages, we ended up pulling a small car through mud and rivers; we spent the night in our vehicles with 15 men, women, and children, while listening to hyenas and other wild animals through the night because the small car we were pulling had two front flat tires and two flat spare tires. God is good! Also when coming down the mountain from that Maasai area a few evenings later, we heard a noise from one of our wheels and found that it was only being held on by one lug-nut! God is so good!  More of these stories have been posted on our Facebook page. Be sure to connect with us there. We are incredibly grateful for God's protection!

During our recent travels, we have had the privilege to witness 41 souls saved in our new outreaches, including a powerful testimony from James Mochache. We had witnessed to him through the years because one by one, his son, nephews, brother and others have come to Christ over the last 10+ years; but until recently, he was a Bishop in an African cultural religion, when he was diagnosed with a malignant tumor already advanced to stage 4 and was hospitalized for 3 weeks. I visited him on Friday before going down into the Maasai villages and on the Wednesday afterwards. On that Wednesday, April 24th, James prayed to ask Christ into his heart!  After he prayed, he pulled me close and told me to tell his children that he said that they should follow the truth found in God’s Word that is preached by us, and that we must do everything that we can to get them into church. He passed away late the next night.  Praise the Lord for God working in his heart!  His salvation touched many lives, leading to 8 more receiving Christ during his hospitalization and funeral.  Please pray for the rest of his family.

Church Planting (NAROK - OLTEPESI - ILIKERIN) 

We were able to visit these church plants in the Maasai areas south of Narok almost to the Tanzanian border.  There was very good reception to the market preaching that we did and in the visits that we made in the members homes. We traveled with Bible  College students from our church in Narok, and then we added some members from our church in Oltepesi as we went to spend the weekend in the village of Ilikerin. Using flashcards and sharing the Gospel message from creation to the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ in their Maasai language, we witnessed over 300 adults attentively listening, we then had 3 preachers preach salvation messages, and many responded in the invitation. We are thrilled to report that 16 men and women got saved and trusted Christ as their Savior that weekend; with more individuals interested in hearing more, and who will be followed up on by the leaders of the church and Bible studies out there. The county government there has designated a plot of land for us that will be divided out officially in June. Please pray that in the next few months this Bible study can be offically started as a church in Ilikerin village.


We took this picture together after six years of discipleship in the Maasai area. Samuel started Bible college in 2018, pastored the church in Narok, and led Gideon to the Lord in 2020. The two of them led Fred to the Lord, and Fred is currently a 2nd year student in our Bible college. In January, Samuel and his family moved to the Maasai village of Oltepesi to work in the church that we started to help them continue grow and be grounded in the Word of God; and Gideon is now the pastor at the church in Narok. We met James in 2022 but only in passing, as he was at another church. Last year Samuel met David and James and began to teach them and that is when they started the Bible study in Ilikerin. The others in this story are Samuel’s pastor in Kuresoi and other teachers in the Bible college that have helped to make this possible. It is fun to have a little part in this story!


We are excited to announce that Calvary Baptist Church of Sidundo and the orphanage have found a new home, thanks to your generous donations toward this urgent project. As of writing this letter, we have received $8,800, with more inquiries coming in. With these funds, we have acquired both the land and the building for just over $4,500. The new property features a 50x15 building divided into three classrooms, along with a well and an outhouse, all conveniently located on the main village road. While some rooms require renovation to accommodate the orphans, we have already dismantled the old church building, the partially completed new church building frame, and one of the orphan buildings. Our immediate focus is constructing the new church building while simultaneously working on the orphanage accommodations. Thank you for your unwavering support in making this possible.


We received more exciting news this week: the Bible Study in Nyamiobo village has been generously donated land, and they have officially established their church, Nyamiobo Independent Baptist Church. It is inspiring to witness this group growing in their faith and actively spreading the message of Christ in their community. Thank you for your ongoing prayers for the Lord's work in Kenya. We will be visiting them next week, along with another church and Bible college branch in the vicinity.

We remain delighted about the ongoing work of God in various aspects of our ministries here in Kenya, and we are looking forward to what He has planned for the future! Your prayers are deeply appreciated.

For Souls in Kenya,

Luke & Tonya Shelby

Missionaries in Kenya

Tuesday 21 May 2024

Urgent Prayer Needs & Exciting Updates from Kenya 🙏✨


Thank you for your prayers as we returned to the field. Despite mechanical delays on our flights from Little Rock, Atlanta, and New York, totaling 4 days of travel, we are grateful to be home. Please pray for Tonya's acclimation to the elevation here in Kisumu, Kenya. She has been improving a lot over the last two weeks.

Here are some specific prayer requests and updates from our ministries for 2024.

Church Planting: 

  1. The Lord has opened the door for Ezekiel, a 2023 graduate, to start a Bible Study in Buyangu under a tree. I will be visiting there this weekend.
  2. We have begun meeting with a group for a Bible Study in the village of Mibasi on Saturdays and some Sundays. Over 20 individuals have been saved in the last month in this village!
  3. I will be visiting the new Bible Study started last year in Ilikerin Maasai village this month, staying for about a week. It's about 10 hours from home, and I'll be visiting 2 other churches along the way. Land has been donated to build a church building in Ilikerin.
  4. We are discussing with the 2 other Bible Studies in Sigoti and Nyamiobo villages about when those churches will be started.


We have started up our Pastoral Classes in 3 locations with 12 students who have graduated and are pastoring or looking for a place to start a church. This is a 2-year course that will ready them for any challenges they would face in the ministry.

Internship Program: We will not be able to start our internship program this year due to the prep work that needs to take place. We had two young people seriously interested in coming this year, but unfortunately, it was not possible. We are taking applications for next year. We ask those who are available to start preparing 6 months in advance. This program is geared for Bible college students who have been called to the mission field.

KENYA LEGACY FUND #501: We have received the money for the 1st phase of our College Dorm building and have started the site planning for this project. Thank you so much. Please use the account #501 for these projects. Thank you.


During our furlough, the 5-acre property given by the village community has been taken control of by the County Government for rice processing. The church and orphanage will need to move, so we have been dismantling buildings and storing materials at church members' homes while we look for a new place. We are considering a plot that had a nursery school that is now closed. We would need at least $3,000 to buy the land and start using it. PLEASE PRAY!!

For Souls in Kenya,

Luke & Tonya Shelby

Missionaries in Kenya

Friday 2 February 2024

Building Legacies, Transforming Lives: Our Vision for Kenya 🌍✨


Dear Prayer Supporters and Friends, February 2024

We are already blessed with the New Year and new plans for our ministries in Kenya. This letter looks forward to those plans in the years to come, broadening our focus in the work that He has called us to do in Kenya. We will be heading back to Kenya on February 13th as empty nesters and covet your prayers for our family and continuing ministry.

Here are some specific prayer requests as we begin on the next phase of our work in Kenya:

1. CHURCH PLANTING: Initiating the establishment of 3 new churches that have been in the planning stages during our time in the states.

2. EDUCATIONAL EXPANSION: Expanding our Bible College classes for young people and pastoral classes, welcoming around 20 more students into our programs.

3. INTERNSHIP PROGRAM: We desire to influence, train, and develop young people into the next generation of missionaries in Africa. Over our 25 years in Kenya, we have witnessed the population more than double, and there's a projection that most African countries will double again by 2050. Recognizing this, we feel a responsibility to play our part in preparing missionaries for the next generations of lost souls. The growing need for missionaries in the harvest fields of Africa encourages us to launch an Internship Program for Bible College Missions students. This program aims to integrate a student's internship with their home church alongside a 1-3 month internship in Kenya, to enhance their success on deputation and in their initial years on the field.

4. KENYA LEGACY FUND #501: The need to acquire land and build church buildings for our ministries in Kenya is becoming more pressing as our ministry is starting new churches at an accelerated pace. Approximately 12 projects require attention and focus over the next several years. Drawing inspiration from Joshua 22, where tribes on the eastern side of Jordan built an altar as a witness of unity between them and the other tribes so that the generations to come would know that they were one people, and due to the amount of money that is used during land purchase and building church buildings, we have been advised to establish the KENYA LEGACY FUND #501 at BMI for these endeavors. If your church wishes to contribute to these building projects, kindly use this account to help us avoid personal tax accounting issues.

Here are a few initial projects that we will address upon returning to the field, with most costs becoming clear as we assess the situation:

  1. Bible College Dormitory Building (1st phase $5,000)

  2. Temporary buildings or rent for the new churches.

  3. Purchasing or leasing land for churches where needed.

For those interested in contributing more than $1,000 towards a project, please use the new account number (#501). Any questions about the projects can be directed to me via email, and I'll provide an updated list and address any inquiries. Thank you for your unwavering love for the Lord, our family, and for your dedication to serving Him.

For Souls in Kenya,

Luke & Tonya Shelby Missionaries in Kenya 

Thursday 18 January 2024

Celebrating Milestones and Spreading Joy: Our Missionary Adventures in Kenya 🌍✨

Dear Prayer Supporters and Friends,                                                  January 2024

Happy New Year to all of you! We pray that God will fill this year with His goodness in your lives.

We are so thankful for all the incredible experiences that God has blessed us to be part of in 2023, especially the moments spent with our family during the Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year holiday. Your support and prayers have been a source of strength for us.

Exciting updates include our son-in-law, Robert Cepec, daughter, Abigail, and our first grandson moving to the field of Guyana this week to start their ministry.  Your prayers for them mean the world to us, and we appreciate you for the adding them to your missionary families for support.  

In December, I had privilege of returning to Kenya, reconnecting with our pastors, students, and church members. We celebrated the graduation of 29 studunts during the 4 graduation ceremonies, and we are excited for what the Lord has in store for 2024.  Already, 26 new students are starting classes this month, with more expected to join by the end of January.  

Several men from our ministry are moving into new areas to begin new ministries, and recent graduates are now stepping into leadership roles.  Please join us in praying for Edward, now ministering in his home area, and Samuel, who moved to the Maasai villages to help the church and the Bible Studies that have been started recently.

Heartfelt thanks for the generous Christmas gifts that we have received. God has faithfully met every need mentioned in our letters and prayers. We are grateful for additional churches commiting to support us and our ministries in Kenya.  Your contributions remind us of Paul’s words, “But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.”  God is abundantly good, surpassing our expectations!  Thank you so much for everything that you do for Him!

During our time in the USA, God has continued to work in Kenya with 1,843 souls accepting Christ and 207 baptized, according to reports from our pastors and their ministries.

Please lift up prayers for the planning and setup of the new Internship Program, aiming to guide USA Bible college students and those called to preach the Gospel in Africa.  Our desire and vision is to influence the next generation of laborers for the harvest fields in Africa.

Thank you sincerely for the love you have shown to our family during this furlough, and for your Christmas offerings.

For Souls in Kenya,

Luke & Tonya Shelby

Missionaries in Kenya


Wednesday 8 November 2023

Fruitful Furlough Update and Prayer Needs - October to November 2023 🙏

 October - November 2023

 Printable Version (PDF)

Dear Prayer Supporters and Friends,

We want to thank you for your prayers as we have been doing a lot of traveling, reporting to churches, and getting into new churches this furlough. Several more churches have voted to take us on for support, and we are praying that they will be able to start before the end of the year. Our daughter, Breanne, and her husband, Jeremy Martin, have arrived in the States for their first furlough after spending their first term in Mongolia. They need to raise more support for the ministries that they are getting started there. They are only here for a 7-month furlough, so please pray that they can visit churches and gain their needed support.

Many of the needs that we mentioned earlier have been met by the churches that we have been in the last couple of months. We thank the Lord for the generosity of the churches and individuals that is making all of this possible for our ministry in Kenya in the coming years.

Praise the Lord, these needs have been met: Oxygen Concentrator, Bibles for graduates, English Bibles, Songbooks, Shipping, Graduation expenses for December, Camping equipment for going into the villages, Ties, and Scarves for our Bible College Students.

Please pray for my two-week trip to Kenya in December, filled with visiting churches, holding 4 separate graduations, supplying training materials to start classes for 2024, and planning some of the new church plants that will take place next year.

Our ministry requires additional financial support to keep growing. We intend to establish a new area of training in our Bible College, focusing on young people who have recently graduated high school. Up until now, our main focus has been on working with families to establish churches in their home villages. As we move forward, we hope to expand our reach by training young people to spread the word of God to areas we have yet to reach. We pray that these young people will be instruments of God's work in new villages and towns.

One of our ministry goals has been to create an internship program that will provide training to the next generation of missionaries. During this furlough, we have had the opportunity to meet with young people in several churches and Bible Colleges who are interested in this type of internship. We are praying that this will help them serve the Lord and prepare themselves for a future in missionary work. If you're interested in learning more about this program, please let me know.

Please pray for these needs in Kenya:

  • Return Airfare in February - $2,500

  • Chairs for church in Narok 25@$4 each = $100

  • Flooring resurface for BBC in Oltepesi - $100

  • Solar power backup for our house - $800

  • Swahili, Luo, and Maasai Bibles 100@$6 each = $600

Thank you very much for your love for the Lord and our family and your desire to serve the Lord.

For Souls in Kenya,

Luke & Tonya Shelby

Missionaries in Kenya

Saturday 16 September 2023

✨ 🌍 Exciting Updates from Our Furlough - August-September 2023 🌍✨

Printable Version (PDF)

Dear Friends and Supporters,           

Thank you for your support for our family. In the last few months, we have had meetings in the states of Alabama, Florida, Tennessee, Georgia, Illinois, Missouri, Texas, Louisiana, Kentucky, Oklahoma, and Arkansas and have traveled more than 10,000 miles.  Our meetings are fully booked through November with a mixture of new churches as well as reporting to supporting churches.  We have met 13 new pastors in churches that were already supporting us.  We thank the Lord for the young men in the next generation who have taken the mantle to carry on the work of the Lord.

We were able to be in 8 new churches in the last few months, and six of them voted to take us on for support. And the others will see if they can support us soon. We have one church that took us on through correspondence with them and two others reinstated our support after making personal contact with them since we have been back.  Including the one new church in June that took us on for support, nine churches have partnered with us through their support since we began furlough.  We thank the Lord for your prayers and for these new partnering churches in their willingness to give to the work of God in Kenya.

Our Bible College in Kenya has finished the second term exams with our 72 students; we are entering their grades and preparing for the final classes that will be taught during the third term leading up to our graduation, which is scheduled for the first part of December. The pastors and students are busy serving in their local churches, seeing souls saved, and the churches are growing.

Another Bible Study opened in the village of Ilkerin, out of our second Maasai church that was started in 2021, and there are more than 10 adults that are meeting under a tree in the village of Ilkerin every Sunday. Please pray for them to be grounded well in the Word of God during this time of Bible Study so that a new church can be started early next year.  A plot has already been designated by the leaders of the village to build the church when we are ready!

Our youngest daughter, Kay-Leigh, has moved into the single teachers’ dorms for our home church’s Christian school in Arkansas. She is teaching one of the K3 classes this year, plus taking a full load of Bible College via online studies. Please pray for her during all the adjustments of living on her own while managing her work and class schedules. She is also involved in our home church's bus ministry, children’s programs, and choir. We appreciate your prayers for her, our family, and our ministries in Kenya!

For Souls in Kenya,

Luke & Tonya Shelby