Sunday, 13 April 2008

First Anniversary

The church’s property is on the main road only two miles from the town center. The town has a population of over 80,000 and it is the 3rd financial center for the country. During the election violence in January and February 2008, Kisii town was a haven where there was no violence and many people in the region found shelter here. Many of those have come to the church, have been saved and baptized and are being faithful members in the church.
We are thankful to see many members who are maturing under the preaching and teaching of the Word of God. We have gone through discipleship with many of them and there are several meeting for weekly visitation. God blessed the celebration of our first anniversary with 202 in attendance. We have met several times to discuss and write the constitution for the church, and we hope to have the organizing service by the end of 2008.
Calvary Baptist Church is now the home of South Nyanza Baptist College and we have 6 students in the Bible College with several signed up to begin in January. The church is involved with active ministries to reach the souls around us with the Gospel. Ladies ministries, VBS for children, Soul-winning and visitation, youth camp ministries, missions program, prison ministry.