Monday, 7 December 2009

September – November 2009 Prayer Letter

Dear Supporters and Friends,                                                                                Sept. – Nov. 2009

We want to wish you all a Merry Christmas in the coming weeks and a good time of fellowship with family and friends. We are all doing well here in Kenya with the family, work of the ministry, and Bible College. It has been very busy for the last few months since we wrote a letter, so I will try to cover all of the highlights.


We were able to purchase the vehicle, that we mentioned in the last letter; and the full $6,000 was raised in the few months that we had to contact our supporting churches by phone and e-mail. Thank you very much; it is much more comfortable for making long trips as a family, and for Tonya to use when I am out visiting the other churches and having meetings. May God bless you so much. We have been on a few trips with it and it is exactly what we needed. Kay-Leigh has not gotten car sick, and she has not even had to have her motion sickness medicine. Thank you very much!

Ministry Activities

We were able to start a Bible Study in the village of Gingo, with some who were saved in the Bible Baptist Church of Rapedhi. We have supplied them with lessons, tracts, and John and Romans; and we held a meeting there and 26 souls were saved (even though a drunk man came to disrupt the meeting). Finally, the drunk man was calmed down and he listened to the end of the service. We have plans for another meeting this month in the village of Sidundo, which is 3 hours away. These Bible Studies will be formed into churches in the next six months or so.

We have finished another year of South Nyanza Baptist College, and the student's reports of personal soul-winning in their villages reached 309 salvations so far this year. We have also finished Youth camp for the year, this past week, with 8 getting saved and over 40 youth taking a vow of purity and abstinence. Please continue to pray for our youth, because they are our next generation of Pastors and teachers.

Bible Baptist Church in Rongo is continuing to grow. And we are working with them to reorganize the church after a lot of the problems that nearly destroyed our work there. Pray also for Bible Baptist Church in Ibanchore Village as they are raising funds (locally) for building a temporary structure.

We are also gearing up to open the new year at the orphanage of Alaro Village with a total of 10 orphans, so we are asking God to provide for their food, shelter and schooling. The cost of feeding the orphans is $5 per month, per child. We only have room for 10 children right now. The children also need uniforms and books to be provided. The orphanage has a school attached to it with over 80 students, and we are trying to raise support for the school as well. If you are interested in helping, in some way, please let us know. Please look at our website (, for more information and pictures, as they are updated, about our ministries and family.

Thank you for your prayers for our family and ministries.

Luke and Tonya Shelby

Missionaries in Kenya