Wednesday, 31 August 2011


I was saved under my dad’s preaching at the age of 15.  And I surrendered my life to the Lord to do or go anywhere He called me.  Luke and I met at Bible College, and we were married in 1995.  It is still amazing to me to see how God has worked in my life to prepare me for the challenges that He knew we would face here.  But He has always been by my side through every blessing and every trial.  He is truly faithful!!

I feel privileged to be able to serve the Lord here in Kenya with my husband and family.  We have seen the Lord do some “Great and mighty things” (Jeremiah 33:3) in our life, and I thank Him for the opportunity to serve Him here as a family.

Sunday, 28 August 2011


I was saved in October of 1981, at the age of 7.  I was called to preach when I was 16, and I surrendered to the mission field of Kenya the following year.

I feel privileged to be able to serve the Lord here in Kenya with my wife and family.  We have seen the Lord do some “Great and mighty things” (Jeremiah 33:3) in our life, and I thank Him for the opportunity to serve Him here.

Tuesday, 2 August 2011

May - July 2011 Prayer Letter

Dear Supporters and Friends,                                            May - July 2011

We thank you for your continued prayers and support for our family over the years and to several that were able to take us on for support during our last furlough.  It does help us in trying to fulfill the ministries here in Kenya and in assisting us to reaching the churches here that need encouragement.  God is blessing in many different areas, as we look for new opportunities to win the lost, to baptize them, and to edify believers in the churches that we are working with.

Short Term Missions

Over the last two months we had a single teacher, Miss Melissa Lapp (from Jacksonville Christian Academy and our home church), come to visit with us; and she was able to spend 6 weeks working in children’s and music ministries.  She had a great time of teaching Sunday School, VBS under trees, and in a local school, passing out tracts and John and Romans in three different areas where we have churches already.  She also helped Abigail learn a lot more on the piano, as well as one of our College Students who is leading the music in our church in Kisii.  We took her to the game reserve and saw several animals many of which we had never seen before like a monitor lizard, mongoose, dik dik deer, and a leopard with a kill.  It was a really great time.  Melissa was a real blessing to us, and the kids had a great time with her.

Orphan Ministry

The orphan ministry is picking up steam.  We are visiting 23 total orphans (from 2 churches) in their homes each month; and we are giving them a food care package, as well as getting better information on how to care for them medically, and also helping them with things that they need when they go to school.  These children have all of the documentation of proof of their situation, and we will begin with these children when we set up the orphanages in the local churches.  There are 61 other children scattered out in 3 other churches that we are helping through their church.  They are still trying to get their documents finalized. There are several that are HIV positive, and we are praying that God will help us with the wisdom and resources to minister to these children in every area of their life. Please pray with us.

Local Church Building Needs

Calvary Baptist Church in Sidundo is building their church building now on a 5-acre plot, and by the end of this month we will be putting the roof on it for them.  It will cost around $700, and if you would like to help with this ministry please send it to our home church or BIMI.  We are also trying to get the churches here to help with benches, so that they have a helping hand in this new ministry.  In September, a BIMI CLAIM Team will be coming to join hands with us in building our first orphanage on this church’s property.  We will send out another letter next week with all of the details about this wonderful opportunity to touch the lives of so many young lives!
God bless you and thank you for your prayers.
Luke and Tonya Shelby