This trip is being organized by a BIMI CLAIM Team headed up by Bro. Philip Smith, who has also helped us with other projects in the past. The dates for their next trip to Kenya are October 10-24.
The frame for the building and the roof is already in place, and we will be building the walls, pouring the floor, building the baptistry, and other things to get it ready to have the first service in the building while the Team is still here.
Other opportunities will be soul-winning, preaching, teaching in schools, visiting in homes, and other ministries.
Depending on the number of volunteers, we may also be able to build an extension onto the back of Calvary Baptist Church in Kisii town, and we will also attend there for one of the Sunday services.
Please let us know this week if you would be interested, and please contact Bro. Philip Smith (email: / phone 289-928-9327) BEFORE September 18th. The cost for the trip will be approximately $1,900, but it could be cheaper based on ticket prices.
The deadline for September 18th to purchase the tickets for the trip, so that everyone can get connected to arrive at the same time. We live 6 hours drive from Nairobi airport, and there is a need to know a number of people coming for us to book rooms and organize transportation also.
If you are not able to come, please pray for safety on the trip and that God will bless all of the arrangements and accomplishments for His honor and glory.