Thursday, 4 October 2018

News from the Shelby's in Kenya! June-September 2018

Dear Friends and Prayer Supporters,                                                                                                             June - September 2018

We thank you for your prayers and support for our family.  Abigail and Breanne are now teaching full time at Jacksonville Christian Academy and attending our home church in Arkansas, after finishing Bible College.  Pray for them and the next steps in their lives to be clear as both of them want to serve the Lord on the mission field.

Tonya’s Health
We have found out that Tonya’s lupus diagnosis a year ago was possibly a false positive.  She has continued with pain and has struggled with respiratory issues for the past year, and while she saw her US doctors in May they recommended that she be seen by a lung specialist as soon as possible.  We were able to get her to a doctor in Nairobi in June; then a follow-up visit in July, where they admitted her into the hospital for extensive testing for 5 days.  They have determined that she has stage 2 COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) and severe tachycardia.  With medication and monthly check ups, she has improved a lot.  But it has been recommended that she fly to the USA for her regular medical treatment at the end of October; where she will also be seen by a lung specialist there for further testing that is not available here in Kenya at this time.  Thank you for your continued prayers.

We are planning a short furlough for Spring 2019, since Caleb will be graduating from high school in Arkansas at Jacksonville Christian Academy in May and then starting Bible college in August.  We will only be in the USA for about six months.  Please contact us by email ( to let us know if YES you do request a meeting, or NO you do not require a meeting.  If NO, then we will be sure to send you and your church a Ministry DVD Presentation (to show at your convenience) and Prayer Cards (to pass out as you desire) as soon as we have them ready once we return to the USA.

New Church in “God Jaoko"
Pastor Paul Omino, over 70 years old,  has pastored a couple of churches over the last 30 years, after being saved out of one of the worst African traditional religions in East Africa, “LEGIO MARIA.”  He was a priest in that religion where their leader was known as the “Christ” of Africa.  In August, he started a new Independant Baptist church on the top of a hill called “God Jaoko.”  As I preached to over 60 people from the community on the opening day, I was amazed that Pastor Paul was willing to be used of God at his age, to continue to reach the people from these traditional religions, and to turn them to the TRUTH of the GOSPEL.  There were 25 saved that week in services and during soulwinning!

Pastors Fellowship
Several churches in our region have begun a fellowship in order to assist each other, plan for the opening of new churches, and have evangelistic meetings and revivals in the different towns and villages.  The Pastors raise the money that they would use for food and transport to go to these meetings, and it has helped in seeing TWO churches start this year already!  In Masimba, we held evangelistic meetings at the market with Neema (Grace) Bible Baptist Church and had over 60 saved during soulwinning and in the services!

We have a group of 7 coming this month to help in a couple building projects in Kisii and Rongo.  Rongo was the first church that we started, in 2001, and it has seen a lot of ups and downs.  Pastor George Okoth moved there in 2013 and has done a good job with the church and it is growing.  We had planned on building this church last year, but the election violence in that area was very bad.  We are glad that things have calmed down, and it has allowed us to continue on with the project.  The group will be here for two weeks, and we will try to get as much done as we can.  Please pray for their trip and these projects.

For Souls in Kenya,

Luke & Tonya Shelby