Wednesday 20 October 2021

Thankful for Our Visitors!

We were very blessed to have Pastor Larson, his daughter Autumn, and Bro. and Mrs. Bingham with us here in Kisumu for a few days.
Luke was able to take them to a favorite seaside restaurant for some
deep fried Tilapia straight from Lake Victoria! They all thought it was different but said the fish was very good. We saw all kinds of beauty around us as we enjoyed our meal. The food was great and the fellowship was so refreshing.

The next day, the ladies went to the Market while the men had a discipleship class at a local church. Then we all met up and passed out tracts and invited everyone to a Bible Study under a grove of trees. There was a great turn out and four men were saved! Praise the Lord! There is fertile ground for a new church plant in the future!
Please remember to pray for Kenya & please pray for this group as they travel to Uganda next! And please be in prayer with Miss Autumn Larson as she is praying for the Lord's leading in where He would have her serve as a missionary.


Tuesday 19 October 2021

SNBC Celebrates 20 Years and Other News...

July - October 2021

Dear Supporters and Prayer Partners, 

Hello from Kenya!  We pray that each of you are doing well and that your own church is getting back to “normal” and seeing souls saved, people baptized, and your church growing once again.  We know that the last year and a half has not been easy for any ministry, anywhere around the world; but we are so thankful for the Lord’s protection, faithfulness, guidance, and power that has been evident in our life and in the lives of so many Kenyans within the reach of our ministries here.  God is always so good to us!

A Brand New Church!
God allowed us the ability to plant our 30th church in Oltepesi Village in a Maasai tribal area near the Kenya/Tanzanian border on August 29, 2021.  We have started the church building, but because of the ban on timber harvest in the area forests, we were not able to finish it in August.  We have plans to go back and finish it the beginning of November.  Be sure to connect with us via our Blog for all the details! ( Our Blog)

A Family Update
Our daughter and son-in-law, Jeremy and Breanne Martin, were able to enter Mongolia and have been there for a little over a month now; they completed a 2-week quarantine and have started Language school in the capital of Ulaanbatar.  It is very cold there as winter has begun.  Please pray for them as they begin their life there and get accustomed to the new language and culture. 

A Ministry Milestone!
South Nyanza Baptist College is celebrating its 20th Anniversary this year! At the end of December we will be having a celebration and graduation for 12 students.  We will be having a 3-day conference before the graduation with the current enrollment of 80 students along with 78 former graduates and 10 teachers and some of their families also attending and learning the Word of God. 

This will be the first big meeting that we have had in a couple of years due to the Covid-19 lockdowns and restrictions.  We are hopeful that things will get back to normal with our normal conference schedule in 2022.  We have lots of plans, and we are praying that the Lord will intervene in getting things in our ministry back to a normal order of things that we had pre-Covid.  We praise the Lord that we have still had over 1,400 come to know Christ as their personal Savior so far this year, mostly by our students in weekly soul-winning and visitation.

We want to thank so many of you who have supported our family and our ministry to train these nationals for over 20 years.  We are so excited about what the future holds for these graduates and the rest of the student body in the years to come.  We will be transporting everyone to come to the conference in Kisii and we are requesting special offerings in order for this day to be a special day for everyone involved.  We are trying to raise $1,500 between now and December to help with this conference.  Thank you so much for your help.

For Souls in Kenya,

Luke & Tonya Shelby Family