Thank you so much for praying for peace in Kenya! We serve a mighty God & other than those 2 days, we have seen peace throughout Kenya.
Is it all over?? Well, no, the opposition says they don’t except the election results & are planning to take their petition to the Supreme Court tomorrow. Then the court will either choose to hear their petition, which means 14 days of waiting for another announcement. Or they can say the petition doesn’t provide proof enough to warrant a court case, in which case the the Presidential inauguration will take place on August 30th.
In either of these rulings, one side or the other will be upset. So, please continue praying
for peace to be seen throughout the whole country. We know God is able.

Ministry update:
The Bible study in Kisumu, is really beginning to take off & we are seeing people saved each week! We have the main Bible study & children’s class under a mango tree every Sunday morning, a ladies Bible study on Sunday afternoons, & 3 in-home Bible studies throughout the week on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, & Fridays, plus we are targeting different areas of the Nyamasaria region of Kisumu town for canvassing on Saturdays. Needless to say…but life is definitely busy!
Today we had 19-20 adults present, & a lady the was led to the Lord yesterday on visitation came & brought her husband with her! He was so attentive during the lesson & stayed afterwards with questions & he got saved as well. Then while the ladies were meeting this afternoon, the men went to make a few follow up visits & this brand new Christian asked to go with them. When he saw what they were telling people he asked if they could make another stop. So they did & it was at his work place & he went & gave his co-workers tracts & told them about the Bible study & that they needed to come learn more like he did! He said he would make sure that some of them come with him & his wife next week. It doesn’t get much better than that! God I’d so very good to us & it so awesome to see HIM working in the life of these new Christians.
Please keep the Nyamasaria area of Kisumu in your prayers.