Sunday 25 September 2011

Orphan Project - Day #10

Please pray. We have 2 Team members who are very sick today. I just took one of them back to the guesthouse to rest. The church was already full when I left. And there were so many children that I was not able to get a count. But I will be sure to try to post more this afternoon once church is over. Thank you for your prayers!

Our last services today with the Team here @ Sidundo. Not sure of the total count, but I know there were 175 kids! 4 adults were saved also. 1 of them was a young man named Henry. Some of the Team has been witnessing to him since the 1st day, but he said he just wasn't ready. Well today he finally took that step! He is now 1 of our brothers in Christ! It was amazing to see the change in his countenance afterward! Praise the Lord!

The 2 Team members who were sick are feeling much better. I believe everyone is mostly packed & ready for the trip to Nairobi tomorrow. They will be on the road by 7 AM, so please keep them in your prayers over the next few days as they make their way to their homes. The children & I & Miss Katie will head back to Kisii tomorrow too; after we go through the houses & make sure that everything is packed up.

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