Tuesday 15 May 2012

City Life & Village Life (By Abigail)

Living in a thriving, urban city compared to living in a remote village in Africa is probably considered as complete opposites; but there are a few similarities. for example, both living conditions have some kind of communication among themselves and with the surrounding cities or villages. The language may differ, or the communication system may vary; but communication is present. Another comparison to be made is transportation within a community. While a bustling city would have subways (although not in Kenya) and automobiles, a rural village's main mode for transportation is one's own feet or a bicycle. The last and perhaps the most important similarity is the fact that they all need the Gospel. Whether a person is a rich businessman or a Maasai warrior does not matter; they both have a choice of either to spend their eternity in burning flames or in glorious mansions in heaven. In conclusion, life in a large economic center or in a rural African village can be comparable in many ways.

Written by: Abigail Shelby

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