Friday, 17 December 2010

November - December 2010 Prayer Letter

Dear Supporters and Friends, November—December 2010

Things are winding down a bit during the holidays. And it is a good time for us to spend with family. We were in Arkansas for Thanksgiving with Luke’s Family and will be spending Christmas in Tennessee with Tonya’s side of the family. The kids love this time of the year. And Kay-Leigh is praying and looking for her first snowfall before we go back to Kenya.

We do still have a bit of traveling to do and all of the regular service times are booked up until January. And we will be leaving on January 10th. Please pray for our departure. By the time we leave we will have reported and presented the ministry to nearly 90 churches and traveling over 40,000 miles since starting furlough in May of this year. Through all of this time, God has blessed and met every need along the way and has added prayer warriors that will lift up our family and ministry in prayer. Several have been saved in services, (Kay-Leigh got saved in September) and others surrendered their life to full-time service. Praise the Lord.

I would also like to tell you about Mrs. Katie Walker, who contacted us about a year ago, and wanted to come to Kenya to help us in our work. Over the last two months, our schedule has allowed us to meet her and get to know some of her family in south Mississippi. She is a very dedicated Christian lady and is willing to serve in any area of need. She has already started teaching herself Swahili and understands more than most without being in Kenya. She is packing her belongings and will be sending her things with our crate in January and will be flying to Kenya on January 30th. Please pray for her safety in traveling as well. If your church would be able to help her in any way with set-up expenses when she arrives. Please contact Calvary Independent Baptist Church and Pastor Jeff Greeson at 405-563-3197. I believe that she will be a great help to our ministry.

Needs as we return to Kenya
Shipping a crate $1,000
Photocopier $850
ABEKA School needs $3,000
Setting up Dorms $5,500
Orphan Ministry $13,000
Monthly Work Support $1,000

Thank you for the new friendships, renewed fellowship, and financial care for our family while we have been here in the States. Pray for those in Kenya who are not as blessed as we are during this Christmas Season. God bless you.

For Souls in Kenya

Luke and Tonya Shelby
Missionaries in Kenya

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