Dear Praying Friends, January-March 2015
We want to thank you for your good response in scheduling meetings for our return to the States for our upcoming furlough. Please pray for us during this furlough as we will need to raise more family support, since our two oldest daughters will begin Bible College in the fall and ministry support for our Church Planting, Bible College, and Orphan ministries that are all continuing to grow as God opens more doors for us to minister.
We had a great day for the Dedication of our Church Building at Calvary Baptist Church in Kisii Town. We had 253 in attendance with 46 first time adult visitors, and Missionary Joel Weaver preached for us that day. We invited everyone who had helped bring materials, who had given monetary donations, and those who worked along side us to build this building over the past year. We have many open doors and opportunities for follow-up for soul-winning in the coming weeks. I know that God has a big plan for this church to reach Kisii Town (which has a population of over 200,000) and the surrounding villages in this part of Kenya. It is a blessing to see people saved at our church nearly every week through its different ministries. God has truly blessed us, and we have seen over 50 precious souls accept Christ in this building since we started using it in November 2014. We praise the Lord for His goodness!
Please pray for our Bible College as the classes will continue, while we are on furlough, under the leadership of five of our Kenyan Pastors. Tonya and I will be traveling back to Kenya in November 2015, for the next graduation for the 13 students who are finishing the 3-year course. Several of these graduates are from the church here in Kisii Town; we are excited about the many possibilities of this class, and the outreach that will be possible in starting more churches around Kisii Town through these faithful men and women.
Please pray for the following villages: Nyamiobo, Siruti, Nyangera and Muhkobola. Bible studies have been started through the ministries of some of our churches and College students in each of these villages. Pray that they will be faithful, and that God will raise up churches in these villages that have had no Gospel witness up to now.
We have already been contacted by many of about scheduling meetings for May 2015-May 2016, and our calendar is filling up quickly. If you have not yet contacted us by email, please do so: Thank you for your prayers for our family and ministries!
Serving Him in Kenya,
Luke and Tonya Shelby
Missionaries in Kenya
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