Dear Supporters and Friends, August - September 2015
Thank you for your prayers for our family and ministry in Kenya while we are on furlough. Thank you for praying for our traveling mercies. I am writing this letter on my flight to California where I will be in 11 churches over the next 3 weeks. At the end of the month we will be in a Mission’s Conference back in Arkansas before returning to visit Kenya for 2 1/2 weeks starting November 3rd. Please pray for us during that time.
Please continue to pray for Tonya’s health, since there have been a few meetings which she was not strong enough to be able to travel to due to the continuing issues with her blood deficiencies of iron, folate, and B-12. This has also caused problems for her in catching several viruses and having a relapse with malaria this past week, which is all due to her low or compromised immune system. Please pray with us that her doctors will have wisdom in helping her find the best treatment options possible while we are on furlough this year.
Please pray for Pastor George Okoth, who is overseeing our church in Rongo. He was attacked and beaten by thugs who broke into his house, which is on the church’s compound. They beat him pretty badly, and he had to stay in the hospital for a couple of days. Please pray for his full recovery and safety.
Three of our orphans (Japheth, Sherin, and Vivian) lost their grandmother (their closest guardian) this past month. As far as we know, she was not saved, but she was witnessed to and heard the Gospel several times. Please pray for the precious souls in Kenya who are dying without Christ! We will need to do more to help these three children, but we are not are exactly sure what will be decided by their distant relatives. Please keep them in your prayers.
We have been able to get in touch with most of our supporting churches, and we have scheduled meetings with a majority of you already. Unfortunately, we will not be able to visit all of you, so we are in the process of contacting each of you. If we are unable to visit you during this furlough, we will be sending you our 2015 DVD Presentation and updated Prayer Cards in the mail. We want to thank you so much for your ministry in our lives and in the lives of these People in Kenya. God bless each of you!
For Souls in Kenya,
Luke & Tonya Shelby
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