Saturday, 16 September 2023

✨ 🌍 Exciting Updates from Our Furlough - August-September 2023 🌍✨

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Dear Friends and Supporters,           

Thank you for your support for our family. In the last few months, we have had meetings in the states of Alabama, Florida, Tennessee, Georgia, Illinois, Missouri, Texas, Louisiana, Kentucky, Oklahoma, and Arkansas and have traveled more than 10,000 miles.  Our meetings are fully booked through November with a mixture of new churches as well as reporting to supporting churches.  We have met 13 new pastors in churches that were already supporting us.  We thank the Lord for the young men in the next generation who have taken the mantle to carry on the work of the Lord.

We were able to be in 8 new churches in the last few months, and six of them voted to take us on for support. And the others will see if they can support us soon. We have one church that took us on through correspondence with them and two others reinstated our support after making personal contact with them since we have been back.  Including the one new church in June that took us on for support, nine churches have partnered with us through their support since we began furlough.  We thank the Lord for your prayers and for these new partnering churches in their willingness to give to the work of God in Kenya.

Our Bible College in Kenya has finished the second term exams with our 72 students; we are entering their grades and preparing for the final classes that will be taught during the third term leading up to our graduation, which is scheduled for the first part of December. The pastors and students are busy serving in their local churches, seeing souls saved, and the churches are growing.

Another Bible Study opened in the village of Ilkerin, out of our second Maasai church that was started in 2021, and there are more than 10 adults that are meeting under a tree in the village of Ilkerin every Sunday. Please pray for them to be grounded well in the Word of God during this time of Bible Study so that a new church can be started early next year.  A plot has already been designated by the leaders of the village to build the church when we are ready!

Our youngest daughter, Kay-Leigh, has moved into the single teachers’ dorms for our home church’s Christian school in Arkansas. She is teaching one of the K3 classes this year, plus taking a full load of Bible College via online studies. Please pray for her during all the adjustments of living on her own while managing her work and class schedules. She is also involved in our home church's bus ministry, children’s programs, and choir. We appreciate your prayers for her, our family, and our ministries in Kenya!

For Souls in Kenya,

Luke & Tonya Shelby

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