Last night over 80 villagers came out to hear the preaching & watch the Jesus Film in their own language! Some people were still being dealt with around 10:30 PM. The phone connection was pretty bad last night, but I'm pretty sure Luke said 14 people trusted Christ as their Savior!
Then it rained all night out in the village & that meant that the path they travelled yesterday would be impassable until the sun was able to dry things up a LOT! So, they improvised & had more soul-winning out in the village.
Once they felt like the ground had dried enough to try to head out, Luke realized that there was some car trouble, which meant he & the men with him wouldn't be going anywhere today. So, they improvised again & decided to do more soul-winning, a service tonight & another one tomorrow (Sunday) morning. Even though this was not in our plans for the weekend, God knows & there is someone out there that needs to hear about God's gift of salvation. Please pray! 

We are so thankful that they had planned ahead of time that only part of the team would travel out to the village, while the rest of the team stayed in Narok Town to continue visiting, preaching in the market areas, & preparing for the first service of the new church tomorrow! We haven't heard a report from those in town, but we are continuing to pray that many will be saved & invited to church services on Sunday!
Communication has been a little harder today in order to get messages back & forth, but everyone is safe & doing well.
The plan is for services to be held in the village & in town at the same time tomorrow morning. Then the men in the village will begin their travels back to Narok Town to meet up with the rest of the team, & hopefully they will be able to get in before the curfew hour that is still in place here. To give you a little idea about the conditions, he village is only about 40 miles from Narok, but it took them 8 1/2 - 9 hours to make the trip yesterday. So, please be in prayer for their travels tomorrow to go well & without any car trouble along the way.
And we will be praying that all of you have a wonderful day in your own local church! 

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