Ok, one last post for today & then I will leave you alone for a day, but I will be back Monday to give a report on how everything goes tomorrow at both places!
Noah started telling the people here in the village everything that he was learning, and started a small Bible Study here in the village almost immediately. But we didn't know this part until this week. Part of the group was there to meet the team when they first arrived yesterday. We learned today that there are now over 30 people who have been meeting under a tree for a weekly Bible Study!
We also learned that even though this is an extremely remote village, there have been several charismatic groups that have come through here with their false teachings. So, one of the main things that Noah taught them is that it is a Baptist Bible study. So when the team arrived and gave introductions about where each of the men were from, Noah made sure that each one was Baptist, because each team member came from different churches we have started. This is also another reason we feel that God arranged for the team to stay over another day, & help Noah teach on some doctrinal basics for those who have been confused by some of the other teachings they have heard. Like we said, we knew God had a plan!
In Narok Town a man came to the service today and got saved, this man has the rastafarian hair (you can google it). After he got saved, he said that he would go home & shave it today and then come back tomorrow and get baptized after the first service! Please pray that this man, & all the others who have been saved this week will not be hindered in any way to come to church tomorrow. 

The 2nd picture was taken while making door to door visits in the village this afternoon. Just a little while after the photo was taken, 9 Elephants were sighted in the village this evening. The villagers told everyone to get home as soon as possible! So everyone is back to the home where they are all staying for the night & praying that the elephants pass by quietly without any destruction to the village overnight. They were planning to have a Bible study tonight after supper (some time after 9:30), before heading to bed.
The Lord has been very good this week with both of the meetings going on in Maasai land, & we know of 42 precious people who have personally called on the Lord to save them. And we are looking forward to both services tomorrow.
Hope you all have a blessed weekend! 

ps. The video at the end isn't very good quality, but will give you just a little taste of the driving conditions this weekend.
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