Monday, 30 August 2021
The Beginning of a New Church - Part 9

Saturday, 28 August 2021
The Beginning of a New Church - Part 8
Ok, one last post for today & then I will leave you alone for a day, but I will be back Monday to give a report on how everything goes tomorrow at both places!

Friday, 27 August 2021
The Beginning of a New Church - Part 7
Last night over 80 villagers came out to hear the preaching & watch the Jesus Film in their own language! Some people were still being dealt with around 10:30 PM. The phone connection was pretty bad last night, but I'm pretty sure Luke said 14 people trusted Christ as their Savior!

The Beginning of a New Church - Part 6
Thursday, 26 August 2021
The Beginning of a New Church - Part 5
Friday, today has definitely been an adventure!

Wednesday, 25 August 2021
The Beginning of a New Church - Part 4
The morning got off to a great start with several coming for a service. Then we all filled our pockets with tracts & headed out for a full morning of soul-winning.

The Beginning of a New Church - Part 3
Wednesday afternoon, we were able to hold a short service to open the meeting for the week with about 10 people who have been attending the Bible study over the past year. A few of our 3rd year students taught and played with more than 20 children who gathered after lunch, and they are all excited for more activities that are planned for tomorrow. We were even able to pass out some tracts close by where we are staying this week before the rain rolled in for the night.
Tuesday, 24 August 2021
The Beginning of a New Church - Part 2
When we set out on our travels this morning, we didn't realize that we would be crossing through a county that is currently under lockdown (outlined in red in the pic) here in Kenya in order to get to the area where the new church is being started. But the Lord knew and there weren't any road blocks along the way, so we were able to make good time & get everything set up for the meeting for the rest of the week. This picture may be a bit grainy, but shows where many (not all) of our churches are located (all the yellow dots) mostly on one side of the locked down county. Then there are a couple of yellow dots near Luke's blue location dot, & this is the area where the new church is going to be started. Hopefully this gives you at least a little point of reference for what the Lord is doing in the ministries here.

Monday, 23 August 2021
The Beginning of a New Church - Part 1